Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh Those Silver Linings...

The past few days have been happy, exciting, overwhelming, and completely insane. I have had no time to process, and I am inundated with a lot of incoming outside wackiness.
But I have learned one thing from this wackiness:
I have settled into a very nice little life out here. Very nice indeed. Had it not been disrupted by this outside entity, I would not have realized this entirely. But as much as I miss home and whatnot, my life out here works very well. Now that I have a job, it should work even better. The two internships I've obtained are both for really solid companies, and I will learn a lot. I will start volunteering at the Writer's Guild Library, so I will be meeting people and learning names. Not only that, but I will be exposed to their collection of award-winning scripts and screenplays. My TV pilot showed potential, and my time should be freeing up to get writing done.

In other news:
Bouncers are the greatest people ever.
If it is -70 degrees outside, your teeth can freeze and fall out of your mouth. Chris told me about that when he told me about going to the coldest, northernmost town in the world. Apparently, no one smiles in this town. I certainly wouldn't if it got that cold.
Sun dried Tomatoes + Alfredo Sauce = delicious.
Georgie is a kick-ass roommate.

That's all for now. My brain might be fried.

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