Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Annoying Bit about Hostessing and Other Bits of My Weekend

Shitheads that enter my restaurant and seat themselves make me crazy. It's also infuriating when people wander around the restaurant looking for a table, like I'd lie to them. And when people see there's a list and take a table that is not bussed or finished, do they really think they can keep sitting there?
I'm over it.

I sorta like the amount of sun burn I have, despite the fact that some of it is on my ass, in a way. The sunburn on my face is the sort that doesn't hurt and won't peel and makes me look like I had a lot of fun. More of a glow than anything. If that makes sense. I want to play football on the beach.

Today, I am doing laundry and sitting at my house writing. I like slow nights like this, but it leaves a lot of time to think. I want to watch a movie with anyone or a cat. But I'm very tired of movies, sometimes. Although I love film, I feel like I need a break from it lately. But everything feels filmic. I also hate that word, and I apologize for using it. Back to what I was saying, though. I can't pick up a book without thinking how to adapt it. I can't listen to music without thinking of the story in the song or of how it could work in a movie. I can't sleep without a scene from a script popping in there. My friends are all film types. At least I have Barney's. Sports movies aren't my thing, but sports themselves are, so I don't try and correlate the two. I can't wait until basketball season is over, though. The NBA is so lame on TV. Basketball is too tiny, like soccer or hockey, to be experienced from a TV screen. Oh well. Everything else about work is great. And film is great, too. I just think I'd like a break. And some tacos. But my mom's tacos. Not anyone else's.

I think I am starting to develop actual friendships in LA. Not just the sort where I know people and have to call them my friends because I don't know anyone else. It's very exciting. It makes the whole place feel even more right than it already does.

Chihuahuas shouldn't exist. Especially the one next door on the side where my window is. If it ever finds its way under my tire, I won't put on my brakes and I won't apologize. That is how it has to be.

Writer's Guild this Friday. My week is going to rock so hard.

Here's to an amazing weekend and a good week ahead!

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