Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Puppies Aren't Aging...

The current litter of puppies that I belong to in the pet store known as Raleigh Studios refuses to grow. Although I have come to better understand and appreciate nearly every person in my current program, I am still shocked by the amount of bizarre behavior. For instance, yesterday, the room turned into a free-for-all when Jon came in to speak to us about the Warner Bros. 100 Points of Development. This speech really helps to understand what sort of projects can go into development and which might be considered potentially successful. However, sitting right next to Jon, I could often barely hear him over the inane chatter in the background. These chatty kathies the give rapt attention to any agent that walks into the room.
Right now, I am about to type words that I will probably have to eat in a few months: I never EVER want to work in an agency. I will do my very best to avoid it. An agency is no place for me; it would be this puppy environment constantly, and if there's one thing I cannot stand in this life, it is puppies. Even my own dogs at home, Jack and Lola, were barely tolerable before their 8 month birthdays. In fact, Lola has not reached her 8 month yet, and I cannot stand the cute little bundle of evil. But metaphorical puppies are even worse. Scrambling over one another hoping to make an impression on the corporate soulless devils that control the business. I can't. I won't.
If in six months I am at an agency, someone please smack me in the face.

Last night, I had a mini-breakdown trying to write a treatment. I called my mom. I have an idea that I know should work somehow. Mom made it work by combining it with a few other good ideas floating around in my existence. Some things will never change. I hope frantic phone calls to Mom who fixes everything is one of them.

In news outside of film...

Damn it. Hollywood has swallowed me whole.

When you get the chance, Mike has a new vlog post at Check it out. He raps about ninjas. Connor Price guest stars. Guest raps, rather.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I <3 youuuu! And I cannot wait to see you in LESS THAN EIGHT WEEKS.