Monday, March 30, 2009

From Puppies to Bitches and Other Stories of Growing Up

Thank goodness it is the last week of class. Most of my classmates have become utterly unbearable. The passive aggressive, snide remarks are disgusting. Get back to high school if that is how you wish to behave.
It pleases me to know end to know that I have an internship, an interview, and a "consider" on my show bible. My contacts are viable, despite my not being allowed into this "in crowd" they have formed. And I am going to see Terry Gilliam by myself tomorrow. I don't really care to join the crowd. Making that decision today was refreshing.

On the home front, I am tired of passive aggression as well. I have had almost no part in the decision for the new roommate. Never once did I receive an e-mail request from a potential craigslist inquiry, never once did I have a part scheduling showings. It only worked out that I was home every time because of a number of cancellations. This is ridiculous. I live here as well.

That's the thing. I live here. I attend class at Raleigh. I exist. I have value and feelings--as much as anyone else. Possibly more than some. After all, I have never so rudely disrespected another person's socioeconomic background, worked to exclude anyone, or disregarded advice from those more experienced like some of the people in my life at the moment.

But I suppose anyone you have to deal with creates a new lesson, a new experience. These puppies and bitches and tricky human beings are not the last I will meet. And when I come across others in the future, my skin will be thicker and my heart will be more compassionate and my world will be a little lighter in the dark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember, you're better than them-and not in the way that they think they are better than you (I really hope that made sense...). Your last paragraph (and first, come to think of it) shows this all very well. (: