Today, miraculously, traffic was at a minimum. Thank goodness since I worked both Beacon and Barney's today. I will be so glad for the day when I can rid my world of some of the alliteration and say Jinks/Cohen and Barney's. It's so much less cutesy.
More on cute later. Right now, I would like to discuss that which has become my new redline--though it's not really close at all--Santa Monica Boulevard.

This is where my adventure down SMB begins every day. I'm rather fond of the Star Trek banner. Though, I suppose it will be going away soon. It's great to feel like I am racing a star ship piloted by James Tiberius Kirk every morning. It's a real tragedy that I beat it in LA traffic, though. The thing about Santa Monica is that east of highland, it's pretty gross. I also take it to get to Sean and Jeremy's when I'm hiding from mice or my roommates or their house guests (not that I have a problem with any of these but the mice... I just like to hide). It starts out disgusting, then rolls west, first through WeHo:

, the brackish hybrid between disgusting regular Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Beyond Beverly hills, which is too tree-lined and straight to be interesting, I hit Century City, the scariest place on earth. It is impossible to be lower-middle-class in this area. Me and my Vibe (in a moment, please...) try and get through as fast as possible, but folks in Prius and BMWs cannot drive. The Prius drivers I understand. We've all heard the Toyota rants, but the Beemers? Come on... you're in a German-engineered car! Anyway, it's very shiny and sterile and this is the only picture I could take without being blinded.

Eventually, I arrive in Santa Monica. Santa Monica, off the beach and the promenade, is incredibly tacky. I'll save pictures of it for when I can do it justice. The point is, Santa Monica is as diverse as LA itself, and I've only just started to appreciate this after a month of driving it across my known California universe. It certainly beats being stuck on the 10 or the 405, both of which are incredibly boring in their views and move about as quickly. I'll miss it when I'm back to driving Western and Melrose for class. I think I'll miss a lot of things being back in class.
Here's to freedom. Here's to the arteries of major cities, full of the flavor and life of the people they serve, from the Red line in Chicago to Santa Monica in LA. Hooray!
In other news, romantic comedies are fun as hell to write. It's okay to defy logic because no one actually falls in love like that ever. It's more fantasy than Lord of the Rings, and twice the cheese. LOVE IT.
1 comment:
I'll be honest... I've been stepping away from fantasy. Tragedies, more like realities! lolz.
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