Tuesday, October 21, 2008

W. and Other Such Nonsense Keeping Me Up at Night

Sabrina, my roommate, bought a clock that sings the MeowMix theme every hour on the hour. It just woke me up because it never gets dark enough in the city, and I wasn't really asleep to begin with, so I thought I'd write.
Yesterday, I think I upset one very close friend, and one friend that may have deserved to be treated badly. Call me Hurricane Samantha, because I literally went on a rampage in which I let everyone know how I was feeling and then tore each person apart. No one deserves that. Well, perhaps the not-so-close friend deserved it just a little, but not in the manner in which I brought the pain.
I just need a day off from myself. Most of these problems are caused by my own obsessing and my inability to let things go.
Wow. Okay, that may have been a bit too much self-awareness for the night.
On to other things:
I saw W. See it. It's not phenominal; it probably is just a flash in the pan, but it is bizarre, and I truly want other people's opinions, because I am simply not sure what to make of it. Condoleezza Rice was done terribly, but I actually talked to someone tonight who thought it was just right. I disagree, but I want to know more!

Keep me posted, and eventually, we'll get back to this fairy tale.

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