Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Forget Emotion; Give me Logic

I am just going to post a quick rant before I go back to an episode of The Office (US) that I am waiting on.
Today, I realized that I am slowly becoming overwhelmed. This is finally catching up to me, right at the same time that I am facing my emotions for the first time in a long time.
These semesters in LA, the intense amount of writing I have to do, the constant balance of maintaining friendships, and the former potential for finding a relationship have all been weighing me down. At least one of those might have gone away, but I have no idea what's going on, so the weight has increased. Perhaps I need to stop analyzing everything. Maybe I need to just give into emotion and trust people a little bit.
But really, what good has emotion every done anyone? And trusting people with my emotions? With personal information? Yeah, right.
I learned my lesson. I was right the first time. Moving on now...

Los Angeles is really far away. Being on one's own is a scary business.
This has been looming over my head for quite some time.
Oh well. I thought, for a week, I had a really good thing going in Chicago. I should have remembered that I have expectations for a reason. I retract my statement regarding those expectations from my last post.
What now?

I'm going to finish this episode and go to bed.

This is all too much.

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