Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's the Skinny?

Me, apparently. Certainly, I didn't mean for this to happen, but LA has taken more than just my energy and my confidence - it's taken my substance!
After a lovely little eye infection, and a visit to the doctor, I learned that I've lost enough weight to make me a tiny bit worried (no pun intended). Then I helped a friend with her Fiesta Mission project, and I saw first hand the black hole effect Los Angeles has had upon my person. While the commercial itself was awesome, as is the Ford Fiesta, I looked like a skeleton: pale and bony.

So what gives? I eat chili cheese fries like they're a legitimate food group, I hate exercise, and, due to these wonky things called heel spurs, I've not been able to hike lately.
I think it's the air around here. It's so dry that it sucks up all the water in my person. It makes sense: I'm thirsty and sweaty and icky.

I miss humidity and summer storms.

This certainly is less optimistic than I feel. Honestly, things are going really well.
Jinks/Cohen has been an amazing experience. I'm writing from the office right now. Last week, I covered the assistant's desk for two days. I cannot wait to be an assistant full time. It feels strange to say so, but it's awesome to be the "fly on the wall."

Yesterday, I had a conversation that gave me a small shift in perspective. Perhaps my priorities are not what they should be. I have spent a long time focusing on goals attainable within a time frame, with quantifiable (and superficial) results. Now that the measuring stick I have used for so long is irrelevant, I see now that I need to focus on the present, not the future. For so long, I've been looking forward, and I have failed to see the good all around me - the sorts of success that are less economic and more human or spiritual. It's going to be a difficult shift, but one I really need to make.

August, I think, will be a good month. Hopefully, I will find a job. Mike and Jordan are coming to visit, and I start temping. I start a Bible study for screen writers, and, hopefully, I'll meet exciting new people and build new friendships here in LA.

Good-bye July! You've been a fun one.

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