Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Man-Hating Entry

This week, I think I hate most men.
If anyone says anything more about how I look, I will proceed to tell any and every man I know everything that is wrong or unattractive about his physique in the most emasculating way possible.
I'm serious.

Between working at the bar and existing as a woman in Los Angeles, I want to punch someone in the crotch.
Sunday, at church, I met a friend from Bible study. Dinner after church - a pretty normal occurence - turned into a date. I'm sorry, but I am not a fan of public displays of affection with even my friends - why would ANYONE possibly believe that they could hug me or - better yet- attempt to kiss me while downtown. Seriously. This happened. And I left. At first, I was too much in shock to bother. Now, I'm just mad. And I have Bible study tonight. Should be interesting.

Yesterday, at work, I had one man tell me I needed to grow my hair out - that I was too cute to try that artsy crap. Again, no joke. Another guy sat behind the hostess stand and offered me a few compliments on my rear end. And yet another called me sugar and kept winking at me while he played pool. Go die. All of you. Curl up in a ball and atrophy. Become the object you seem to think that I am.

That's my venting session for the day. I'm pretty angry, and I miss my Chicago guys who didn't care how I looked as long as we could play guitar and xbox and wander around the city.

This is poorly written and angry, and I'm sorry, but it is what it is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Try that artsy crap"??
Haven't you had short hair for, like, ever (and by ever I mean a few years, but the entire time I've known you...)? I mean, not that this guy would know that. But still. I can't imagine you with long hair...it'd be weird. Short hair suits you!
I feel like I should lace up my ass-kickin' shoes and follow you around to kick these guys' asses.